Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Static Age

For our open-ended assignment, I thought about what I was (currently) trying to do with my painting and how I could translate that to flash. I've been commenting a lot about America and all the quirky things that make this country so damn great. So I decided to carry that idea to the digital world. This project represents how I feel about American TV, which is everything that it should be AND MORE. I used a lot of bitmapped image sequences for the majority of the animation. I also had to figure out this kind of tricky mask method for the static on the TV screen that took me a minute to figure out. I had some fun making this though so that's gotta count for something.


Ryan said...

i really like how this piece loops, it sort makes viewing mass media into a never ending cycle. Are you interested in the banality of television and american culture, or is there something more?

Unknown said...

I really like this piece up until the puking. Its not just that I am made uncomfortable by puking, but I think the piece is alludes to and is itself nauseating anyways so the vomiting just felt a little heavy handed.

bwittmuss said...

This whole animation is a good idea all the way up until the video of you puking. Its a bit much, but that is how American TV is, shit, so bravo. But I do wish there where some of the good TV, oh, wait there isn't any. Just for aesthetics instead of you puking, which does elude from the main theme, use a cliche video.

Thornton1 said...

I will have to admit that the puking kind of disturbed me because I don't have a strong stomach, but I understood the reason behind it. The static on the t.v was something I wanted to do on my project and you figured it out. Congrats on that. The animation is pretty cool to watch over and over and over again because of the looping too.