Thursday, February 21, 2008

Coding Assignment

For the ActionScript assignment, I felt that the only way to achieve this task of putting all these actions into one program would best be resolved with a program like the one I created. When we were being taught how to use some of the script, I thought about presenting one object that would essentially be manipulated by the user with a series of choices that he or she could click. I decided to make the object an insect - more specifically an ant - and to let the user do things that one would maybe do to an ant - look at it with a magnifying glass, cut in in half, set it on fire - the usual stuff. This assignment made me learn that it's a bitch to get slight little things to work.


bwittmuss said...

The whole command action script is very clear in that you can easily choose which actions you want to do, but I think the ant should have been a vector image b/c its very pixilated, and when it rotates the ant slowly conjoins.

Thornton1 said...

I think that you really did a good job simplifying the actions and coming up with a concept that doesn't enforce a list of actions that we had to accomplish for our class assignment. I like how you made the list of actions work for you and not against you. Why didn't I think of that?

Ryan said...

This is a pretty interesting idea, and I think it has a lot of discourse attached to it. I think that if you changed the button from "start over" to "get a new ant" it might be stronger because starting over makes it seem like the ant never really dies, instead i think we need a pile of ant carcasses on the floor to remind of of the deviant act we are controlling, and what it represents.

Marc Aaron said...

the code can be tough to get just right. I think the page needs a title to let the user know right away what they are looking at.

Unknown said...

This is really well made, except a few small graphic details, mainly in the ant- where it gets pixelated or transparency would have helped.