Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Concepts for new project

I want to make a project that forces the user to choose different doors (which would be movie clips of actual doors). I want it to feel like a labyrinth, just withOUT David Bowie. The only visual resources for this would be the clips I shoot myself.
heres a bit of flash that I found to be interesting: http://www.gracecathedral.org/labyrinth/interactions/labyrinth.shtml

Another project I'd like to make is one that allows the user to make a "painting" by using code. My concept for this is to destroy the reality of paint and canvas by making the process digital. Resources for this would be pictures I take of paint strokes, paint, brushes, etc.; and I would maybe look for recognizable "master" paintings. This may require the use of that JStor database. My last concept is to make this massive interactive database of my photos/videos. In essence this would be simple in its design, but labor-intensive on importing pictures and movie clips. My resources for this would be my entire photo/movie clip library, as well as a bunch of research on user-friendly data management programs. I would really like to add sound to some of these, if not all of these projects as well.

1 comment:

Marc Aaron said...

The project that involves creating a painting with flash is something I would want to use. I tink it might be cool if you took public domain photos or art and made it possible to manipulate these. Maybe change the colors and shapes, this is probably what you were talking about already.