Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Web Cam Wackiness - C.R.E.A.M.

The assignment I've created using the video camera in flash is fairly simple. Basically, the user is presented with six 100 dollar bills - lined up like they're about to be cut down separately. However, instead of Benjamin Franklin's mug on the bill, the feed from the camera determines whose face will really end up on the c-note. I wanted to not only make a program that utilized the video camera function in flash, but also said something about money - which in my opinion is this ironic thing that retains power and value without actually being worth anything (not to mention the fact that our dollar is becoming less and less valuable). Also, theres a surprise when you click the bills (hint: set it to landscape!).

1 comment:

Thornton1 said...

I think that this was a really cool idea to come up with that made doing this project simple. I didn't get to the second part of the project though cause I didn't know, but the idea of projecting myself on my own money is cool.