Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Great Googely Moogely

Well so much has changed since I last posted... I'm a woman now

but besides that, I'm at my job right now (like right now) and so I'm technically getting paid to do this (this right here)...


Right now I'm waiting for a meeting to break for lunch so I can covertly make a cell phone call to my boss so he can tell HIS boss...whoa I just did it.... and now I wait.... yes....

Well soon I may have a new laptop that actually charges and can actually get on the internet, which means soon I will post something I'm actually excited about and not so much something to pass my brutally slow time at work.

So the one person (me) that reads this blog doesn't lose interest, here's a picture, I don't care what it is just something:

1 comment:

Tiny Robots said...

i wish i could be paid to sit and blog and get paid for it...hmm